We are celebrating 'Random Acts of Kindness' day with a new initiative to spread a little joy and happiness, we are delighted to announce our monthly 'Random KITS of Kindness' Day!
Starting on the 17th February 2023 and continuing on the third Friday of each month we will be giving away THREE kits randomly to someone you suggest on our Instagram account. We'll announce it on our social media and you can tag in friends who we will send a kit to for free. It may be someone who needs a treat, a friend who you want to show some appreciation too or a teacher, colleague or family member.
Craft and making is a great way of showing some self love and taking some time out and passing on the joy of making is such a kind thing to share! Find our instagram account HERE
If you are looking for some idea on how to share some random kindness - here are a few tips!
1. Compliment someone on their lovely hair/great shoes/gorgeous coat
2. Let the person in the coffee queue go first (or even pay for their drink!)
3. Put a positive post-it note on the mirror of the office loo.
4. Drop a bunch of £1 daffs' at a friends door.
5. Offer to do some odd jobs for your neighbours.